How do you correctly classify, analyse and interpret influencer data in a media monitoring panel?
Influencers mapping
We provide the opportunity to search for people who publish texts on a given topic
Publications search
You can search for publications according to their reach, advertising equivalent, overtones or the gender of the author
Presentation the statistics and charts
Discover data on, among other things, the authors of the most posts, the most liked, shared or commented
Don’t allow influencer marketing to fail
Wrongly defined and selected target group, wrongly chosen influencers and lack of campaign monitoring are the biggest threats. A big challenge is to continuously measure the effects of a campaign. We provide access to a database of large and small influencers and the parameters of their activity in social media
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We offer a research of opinion leaders
The study combines elements of quantitative and qualitative analysis and a social media audit. Once the criteria that an influencer must meet for a brand are established, it is possible to reach a matched group of opinion leaders in order to establish a direct relationship. Collecting huge amounts of data manually is no longer enough today. Rely on automation and AI.
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Be led by data and choose the right influencers
We provide access to a database of TOP influencers, micro- and nano-influencers with a full real-time analytics module. It is possible to reach the right people in order to establish relations. The right number of followers, likes, retweets, website/blog reach, topics, reactions of other internet users to content posted by a potential influencer, gender, age – these are just some of the indicators we can take into account in the survey.
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