How a media and image audit will be helpful for your business
Increase brand value
Audit helps to improve communication processes, identify trends and find out what is needed to increase the value of a company or brand in the media
Research discussion topics
Research will indicate which topics are emphasised, their tone, equivalence, interest, which sources are willing to publish texts in the given field
Discover authors of the entries
The audit will show which journalists and influencers are most likely to write about a particular topic, industry or competitor
Analyse your own company’s media activity
By analysing vast amounts of data, we can make informed decisions on whether to continue communication activities, make the right modifications, or change direction and switch to other channels.
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Order a media audit
Professional research of press, radio, television, Internet and social media materials allows for the analysis of media activity of the audited company or brand.
In addition, it makes it possible to obtain data on the marketing activities of competitors.

Efficiently manage your brand and reputation
With an audit in place, you will begin to better manage your brand reputation and marketing strategy. You’ll show management and the marketing team how to build and strengthen support among your brand’s target audience. You will align current media activities with the goals and objectives of your department and the company as a whole.
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