AI in Newspoint media monitoring

3 July 2023, Robert Sadowski

For several months, the use of artificial intelligence (AI) in the work of marketing and PR departments has been making a lot of publicity in the media. Companies use AI to create new articles, back-up content, advertising texts or descriptions of meta tags for SEO. An interesting concept is to create summaries of long texts and reports. With the support of AI, you can already generate advertising creations, interesting graphics, and in the future it will also be possible to create animations and longer videos. Automation of work, optimization of processes – all in order to save employees’ time (and thus – optimize costs).

It’s already happening. Whether we want it or not. It is unavoidable. AI penetrates our actions – only our imagination and creativity can be the limit or the best drive: like the advent of the Internet, social media platforms or mobile services. The advent of artificial intelligence (AI) has opened new doors, providing powerful tools and techniques to analyze and extract valuable information from vast amounts of media data. Artificial intelligence has the potential to revolutionize media analytics and its profound impact on the industry.

How to use the potential of AI in media monitoring? First of all, the following processes should be indicated:

  • Automatic content classification: AI-powered algorithms allow you to analyze and categorize massive amounts of multimedia content, including news articles, social media posts, videos, images, and more. Using natural language processing (NLP) techniques, AI systems can identify key topics, moods and contexts, enabling media analysts to effectively track public opinion, emerging trends and breaking news.
  • Automated sentiment snalysis: Understanding public sentiment is critical to media analysis. Artificial intelligence algorithms enable automatic analysis of a large number of posts, comments and reviews in social media, providing valuable information about the opinion of target groups on specific topics, new products or organized events. The analytics helps media analysts measure public sentiment, identify potential crises, and evaluate the impact of opinion on brands.
  • Trend prediction and forecasting: AI models can analyze historical data and identify patterns, enabling media analysts to make more accurate predictions about future trends. Using machine learning algorithms, media monitoring platforms can anticipate changes in consumer preferences, identify emerging market trends, and develop content strategies that match changing audience demands.
  • Image and video analytics: Visual content plays a significant role in today’s media landscape. AI-powered image and video analytics tools can automatically recognize objects, logos, or faces, providing valuable metadata and insights. Media analysts will use this technology to track brand logos, analyze user-generated content, identify key influencers, and pinpoint potential copyright infringements.
  • Fake news detection: The spread of fake news has become a critical issue in the media industry. AI can increase the effectiveness of fighting disinformation by using NLP processing and machine learning algorithms to identify and flag potentially misleading or fabricated news articles and social media posts. Technology enables media analysts to separate fact from fiction, increasing the credibility and reliability of news sources.
  • Personalized recommendations: AI-based recommendation systems can analyze user behavior, preferences, and consumption patterns to provide personalized contentrecommendations. Media analysts can use these systems to increase userengagement or content consumption and adjust advertising strategies based onindividual user interests.
  • Audience segmentation, cohorts and targeting: AI can help media analysts better understand their audiences, including dividing them into segments, based on important parameters such as: demographics, behavior, interests, shopping preferences and others. A data-driven approach enables targeted advertising, personalized content delivery and more effective marketing campaigns, which ultimately translates into higher audience engagement and conversions.

Newspoint provides media publications and indicators needed to analyze the image of a brand or competition. We monitor all types of media (social media, portals, news, industry, opinions, forums, blogs, press and RTV). We provide worldwide coverage: 75 languages, 170 countries and the widest range of sources:

  • over 16.000 Polish websites and over 150.000 foreign websites,
  • the largest scope of social media monitoring – over 50.000.000 social networks, including Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, TikTok, YouTube, Vimeo, Slideshare, Pinterest, Disqus, Quora, GoldenLine, Blogspot, WordPress, podcasts … etc.,
  • unique coverage of blogs and forums – 20.000 sources from around the world,
  • 1.500 press titles (national, industry and local),
  • 200 TV stations.

We also prepare media reports, which are an irreplaceable source of data on the attitude of recipients to the activities of the analyzed entities and allow for constant, precise modification of the message, as part of the strategy. The main purpose of this type of studies is to analyze changes in the image over a given period of time. The scope of services is optimized in relation to the dedicated needs of each client. Media reports are the most advanced tool for measuring brand image, created directly in the minds and opinions of the audience. It is also a great tool for measuring the effectiveness of media activities in the short and long term.

Currently, the Newspoint team is working on creating automated reports and analyzes of publications using artificial intelligence. We identify the needs and expectations of our clients in this area. If you have an interesting idea to automate and improve your work with our data, please contact us.

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