Conversion rates in the media monitoring industry

15 November 2016, Robert Sadowski

When running a commercial website, the conversion rate is very important. In short, this is a desirable activity performed by a potential customer on the website. Usually it is, among others subscribing to the newsletter, placing an order or signing up for a service test. What are the conversion rates in the media monitoring industry? The following article will answer this question.

We also pay special attention to conversion rates. Thanks to them, we know how our actions towards improving the functionality of the website, or marketing operations affect the reactions of users. Recently, we have been able to significantly improve transactional conversion rates on our website ( without increasing the cost of CPC.

As you know, CPC depends heavily on the industry and the competitiveness of keywords. In Poland, the CPC price varies from several dozen pennies to several zlotys per word.

It all depends on the positioning strategy that we want to implement; do we want to appear in the first places or buy cheaper activity but in lower positions.

Do we fight for the main slogans or we advertise for slogans from the so-called long tail.

The average cost of CPC on the Polish internet could be in our case at PLN 1.75, we accept a minimum of twice as much for the rest of the world (but usually the cost is even higher).

Thanks to the continuous analysis of phrase costs and A / B tests, we have reduced the CPC by around 10% in recent weeks. At the same time, we constantly observe conversion rates on the website – the percentage of users entering the site and registering for testing, the rate of bounces and the percentage of testers deciding to buy. We have also some successes in this field, even though we are still far from the best e-commerce stores – we are still well below 1% of conversions entering the website for paying customers.

The tools we use are Google Analytics (of course :)), HotJar, Acquisio.

If you have not used conversion factors yet to analyze the actions on your website, we encourage you to do so. Really worth! And if you have interesting experiences in this respect and you can share advice on what works best, leave a comment or send a private message to

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