From information to knowledge, or how to make use of media monitoring?

9 November 2016, Robert Sadowski

A lot of messages that reach us or are at your fingertips are difficult to process. Finding useful information in a less-than-meaning maze can be a big problem. This article will answer the question how to go from knowledge to information, or how to make use of media monitoring.

Media monitoring is a service that is used in public relations. Using this, the user can search for interesting materials appearing in the press, television, radio or in digital space. The use of media monitoring is primarily access to a large amount of data with copies of media content.

Data acquisition

A characteristic feature of information published on the Internet is their multiplicity, dispersion and thematic diversity. The information is therefore ubiquitous, seems to be available at your fingertips and at the touch of the keyboard of every internet user. However, while the keyboard has a certain system, virtually unchangeable and well-known to everyone, information on the web does not usually create “systems” – there is lack of the visible structure and organization. If information is already created by systems or clusters, they are usually ephemeral, changeable, fluid, and therefore difficult to access for Internet users. At least for most of them, those who do not analyze information professionally. Mastering this informational chaos and transforming it into a certain ordered whole (structure) is the basic use of media monitoring.

Information management

Monitoring enables not only “tracking” and “tracking” selected information (content), but also – after their accurate identification – structuring them into layouts (bases). The process – metaphorically speaking – of “reading with understanding” of the Internet begins with the moment of organizing the collected information according to the adopted criteria (ordering and building the base structure). Organized information creates knowledge. Monitoring therefore allows not only the collection and selection of information (the ordering function of monitoring), but also the acquisition of knowledge (function, let us call it, analytical). Thanks to the tools for monitoring websites – tools that Newspoint has at its disposal – it is possible to control and manage distributed online content. Information management and then knowledge are further monitoring functions that are used not only for purely cognitive purposes, but also for practical purposes. Through practical goals, you can understand the business goals that we want to achieve thanks to the acquired knowledge about a specific segment of virtual reality.

Data analysis

The center of monitoring is therefore information: dispersed, overwhelming by its size and diversity. In the context of the mass of information, a question arises about their meaning, and so to what extent specific information or information is relevant to us as network users. Determining the importance or significance of specific information is one of the most important stages in monitoring and is purely analytical in nature. This means that by analyzing information, we determine the place it occupies among other information; in what contexts it appears and how often, who is its author (sender) and who is addressed (the recipient), how it (or may affect) influence other users of the network, etc. Monitoring information / web content is related in this case not only to their “tracking” and organizing into data sets, but also to the analysis of the acquired and structured content (data). That is why the common denominator connecting our clients’ expectations is the demand for both information and analysis.

From the point of view of our clients, the amount of information that brands have to cope with today can overwhelm and introduce some cognitive chaos and disorientation. We structure this information and present it as a useful source of knowledge. Thanks to our tools, customers can research and analyze interactions at the interface between the company and its environment. Therefore, we provide tools that enable brands to gain an informational advantage, eg in managing communication strategies or reacting to image crises. In other words: we help our clients interact with users of various types of media, analyze data and draw conclusions necessary for business development.


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