SMS notifications – Newspoint monitoring with new functionality

4 January 2022, Robert Sadowski

Comprehensive media monitoring Newspoint has implemented an additional functionality – users can already receive notifications of the release of their most important publications via SMS to their smartphone.

One of Newspoint’s main priorities is the satisfaction of the users of the media monitoring dashboard, so we listen carefully to their comments and try to meet their expectations. In order to meet these interests, we have introduced, in addition to the traditional e-mail notifications, the option of notifying new media releases via SMS directly to the smartphone.

SMS notifications can be received at a certain frequency, e.g. continuously (i.e. immediately after the system has registered the release) or at certain times that are most appropriate for the user. 

The service can be particularly useful if you link it to a project that identifies issues and contexts that are sensitive or potentially crisis-prone for your business. When it comes to speed or the published information must not be overlooked. 

The SMS option is also great for customers who don’t have an email app on their smartphone (or don’t use it regularly), but still want to stay up-to-date about the publications they are monitoring. 

The SMS notification function is available to customers with gold packages after they have clarified their needs with a customer representative.

Do you have any questions? Are you interested in the service? We are happy to help you!

We look forward to hearing from you – write us in chat, give us a call at (22) 415 59 96 or send an e-mail to

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